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Technique Tuesday -

Technique Tuesday: Fixing a dropped stitch in 1x1 Ribbing and Seed Stitch

Fixing dropped stitches in 1x1 ribbing uses the same techniques as garter stitch except you are working both a RS knit stitch and a WS knit stitch pickup on the same row (at least in this exercise you are).

Fixing a dropped stitch in 1x1 ribbing
With a swatch of active 1x1 ribbing stitches on the needle work across to the middle of the swatch, drop two stitches and allow them (or help them) to unravel at least 4 rows. Place both dropped stitches onto left needle tip right leg forward.

If dropped stitch closest to the tip of the needle is a Knit stitch it needs a to be worked as a RS Knit stitch, if dropped stitch closest to the tip of the needle is a Purl stitch it needs to be worked as a WS knit stitch.

Using the information on the previous page and the diagrams 2.5-2.6  fix the 1x1 ribbing with a combination of RS knit stitches and WS knit stitches.

Fixing a dropped stitch in seed stitch
With a swatch of active seed stitches on the needle work across to the middle of the swatch, drop two stitches and allow them (or help them) to unravel at least 4 rows. Place both dropped stitches onto left needle tip right leg forward.

If dropped stitch closest to the tip of the needle is a Knit stitch it needs a to be worked as a WS Knit stitch, if dropped stitch closest to the tip of the needle is a Purl stitch it needs to be worked as a RS knit stitch.  This is opposite to the 1x1 ribbing as in seed stitch you work the stitch opposite to how it appears. Knit the purl stitches and purl the knit stitches.

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